Why Felt

Why Felt?

Remember those flannel board stories in Sunday School?  Sunday school teachers had the right idea!

Yes, Sunday school teachers were definitely on the right track, whether they knew it or not!  We now know that there are so many educational benefits to using flannel board stories, or, as we used to call them, flannelgraphs.  Some of these benefits are only now becoming recognized for their importance as we learn more about how critical it is to have a multisensory approach to learning.  Felt board stories are so valuable in teaching children of all learning styles and multiple intelligences.

The use of Story Time Felts by students of all ages encourages a wide range of sensory experiences:

·                     Visual – sight, spatial perception, color recognition

·                     Tactile – touch, texture

·                     Fine Motor – hand/eye coordination, manipulation

·                     Auditory – hearing, listening

·                     Linguistic- speaking, listening

·                     Intellectual – cause and effect, problem solving, patterning, sequencing, math skills

·                     Spiritual – values, love, religious study, worship

·                     Creative – imagination, make believe, music, drama

·                     Life Skills – health, hygiene, manners, relationships, dressing appropriately

And the reason to use Story Time Felts specifically?  Story Time Felts products…

·                     are oftip-top quality

·                     are washable

·                     are durable

·                     won’t tear, crack, or break and are safe for kids to use even on their own

·                     provide hours and hours of “hands on” experience

·                     encourage creativity

·                     have realistic looking figures rather than cartoonish ones

·                     develop science skills

·                     develop math and number skills

·                     develop alphabet skills

·                     encourage listening, retelling, and creativity

·                     are inexpensive

·                     are long lasting 

·                     have high educational value